International AIDS Society

Programme Committee Visions

The programme committees are committed to creating a conference programme that provides a positive learning experience for all participants. Their visions, listed below, address specific issues related to community, leadership and accountability, and science. They also underscore the need for a united response that celebrates successes and rapidly translates scientific advances into actions and programmes for communities and individuals disproportionately burdened by HIV. Importantly, they provide direction as to where our work remains to be done.

AIDS 2014 Community Programme Committee Vision

Our vision is focused upon the greater involvement and meaningful engagement of people living with HIV who we recognize have been at the vanguard of AIDS responses around the world for the past three decades.

We are committed to a conference programme that provides a positive learning experience for all participants and translates words into actions that are a catalyst for change. We will strive for transparency and accountability throughout our work as a committee.

We will celebrate the successes of the global community responses to HIV and build upon what has been shown to work. We will support the innovation, creativity and the extraordinary potential of partnerships that have exemplified the community response to HIV. We will seek opportunities to link diverse communities together, to build and reinforce networks and to learn from each other.

Our work is unfinished business and we seek the explicit political will, commitment and necessary resources to achieve universal access to treatment, prevention, care and support and to tackle the human rights abuses, criminalization, stigma and discrimination which continue to differentially drive HIV infections locally, regionally and globally.

All over the world there are key populations who are disproportionately burdened by HIV and this differs from region to region and from community to community which may limit their access to culturally appropriate prevention, care and treatment services. These populations include:
  • Gay men and men who have sex with men (MSM)
  • Indigenous people
  • Migrants and mobile populations
  • People living with disabilities
  • People living with HIV
  • People who use drugs
  • Prisoners
  • Sex workers
  • Transgendered individuals
  • Women
  • Young people and adolescents
  • Young women and girls
Their involvement, locally and globally, is vital for an effective and sustainable response to HIV to ensure that no one gets left behind in our collective efforts to reverse the impact of the HIV epidemic globally.

See the committee members

AIDS 2014 Leadership & Accountability Programme Committee Vision

The vision: inspired, committed and accountable leadership including those within and across governments and international institutions and policymakers, religious leaders, the private sector and development, the scientific community, health care providers, civil society, international and national organizations representing people living with HIV and AIDS and those working with them, grassroots organizations, donors and the media guided by people living with HIV and AIDS and those disproportionately burdened by the epidemic.

The mission: to recognize exemplary leadership and leadership practices, to inspire those practices in others leading the HIV challenge, and to provide an enabling environment and remove barriers to empower, develop and encourage young and emerging leaders. To recognize exemplary accountability processes and practices and to inspire others in a leadership role to implement these.

The objective: to work in partnership with people living with HIV and those populations and key populations in the epidemic including gay men and men who have sex with men, indigenous people, migrants and mobile populations, people living with disabilities, people living with HIV, people who use drugs, prisoners, sex workers, transgendered individuals, women, young people and adolescents, and young women and girls to ensure the highest level of leadership and transparent accountability mechanisms, and to inspire leaders from diverse sectors that directly and indirectly impact the quality of life of people living with HIV and those disproportionately burdened in the epidemic to address political, legal, human rights, resource, research, institutional and socio-economic barriers to reverse the impact of the HIV epidemic globally.

See the committee members

AIDS 2014 Scientific Programme Committee Vision

The vision of the AIDS 2014 Scientific Programme is to stimulate high quality international research in partnership with communities and to accelerate the translation of multidisciplinary scientific advances into actions and programmes for the communities and individuals disproportionately burdened by HIV. The Scientific Programme Committee is committed to maintaining and enhancing the momentum of the millennium development goals as we move into the post-2015 era. To achieve these goals, we will create a dynamic, interactive forum for presentation, debate and validation of the latest, state-of-the-art research, policy and programme evidence that informs and guides the global response.

This vision will guide the conduct and content of each of the five scientific tracks as they focus on three primary, measurable goals:
  1. To present, integrate and translate new findings and ideas in basic, clinical, epidemiological, prevention, social and behavioural, political, human rights, implementation, health systems and economic research;
  2. To move scientific advances, in partnership with communities, into implementation, identifying policy and programme best practices, gaps and challenges which will inform and direct future research;
  3. To review progress made in ending the HIV epidemic and enhancing the quality of life for people living with HIV, and to provide guidance for integrating HIV and AIDS, politically and scientifically, with the health and social development sectors.
To accomplish these goals, the AIDS 2014 Scientific Programme will address cutting-edge issues across disciplines and foster participation and reflection among young investigators, researchers, practitioners, policy makers, donors, and other stakeholders on what has been accomplished to date and what remains to be done. Special attention will be paid to addressing the needs of disproportionately burdened populations through their meaningful engagement in the development and implementation of the Scientific Programme.

See the committee members