International AIDS Society


Speaker Centre

The Speaker Centre is intended to support all speakers, abstract presenters, session chairs and workshop facilitators. It is located on Level 2. The opening hours are as follows:

Saturday 19 July 14:00 – 18:30
Sunday-Thursday 20 July-24 July 08:00 – 18:30
Friday 25 July 08:00 – 16:00

Check-in Required at the Speaker Centre

IMPORTANT:All invited speakers, session chairs, oral abstract presenters, oral poster discussion presenters and workshop facilitators must check in at the Speaker Centre at least four hours before the start of their sessions.

Session chairs are required to collect their final session schedule and instructions.

PowerPoint Presentation Upload

All PowerPoint presentations must be uploaded prior to the session, asit is not possible to run PowerPoint presentations directly from a laptop in the session rooms.

Presentations should be saved on a USB memory stick or CD/DVD-ROM, and brought to the Speaker Centre. Presentations should be uploaded at the Speaker Centre, at least four hours prior to the start of the session. On-site technicians will assist presenters to preview their presentations to ensure that they display well on the session room screens. The presentations will then be uploaded to the session room network and made available in the session room at the time of the presentation.

Presenters in certain sessions will be able to upload their presentations online prior to the conference. More information will be sent to these presenters via email, by the end of June.

IMPORTANT: Check-in at the Speaker Centre is mandatory for all speakers. Presenters who upload their presentations online must also check-in at the Speaker Centre.

Technical Requirements for Presentations

Technical Requirements

The AIDS 2014 computers will run MS PowerPoint 2010. Only MS PowerPoint (*.ppt or *.pptx) presentations with video formats will be accepted. The pre-installed font types available in MS Office 2010 should be used as standard font types.

Click here to download technical requirements and practical guidelines on how to produce efficient PowerPoint presentations. Click here to download a PowerPoint template that can be used at the conference.

Movies and video files

If your presentation contains links to video files, it is essential that you bring not only your PowerPoint file, but also your video files to the Speaker Centre. Most video files types (e.g. .MP4, MPEG, .wmv, .AVI, Realvideo, Quicktime, Flash, etc.) are accepted. All videos linked to PowerPoint slides must be tested and checked in advance in the Speaker Centre to be sure they will work properly.

Please note that Prezi is not supported. If you are using this format, your presentation must be sent to the secretariat prior to the conference, and it must be converted and tested before it can be uploaded in the Speaker Centre. Please contact the secretariat at for further information.

If you use a Macintosh Computer 

Please note that Keynote (*.key) presentations are not accepted. Even if you have transferred your presentation to a Windows format, you must check your presentation in the Speaker Centre to ensure that it is fully compatible with the conference computers.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure in Presentations

Authors/presenters are responsible for disclosing all potential or actual conflicts of interest due to financial or personal relationships that might be perceived to cause bias. Actual or potential conflicts of interests include receipt of research grants, financial support, honoraria, or consultation fees from commercial companies; participation in a company-sponsored speaker’s bureau; holding stock; and/or maintaining a personal relationship with representatives of commercial companies, including a spouse or partner’s relationship with such representatives. The secretariat asks that all speakers/presenters disclose any conflict of interest at the time of presentation for the benefit of conference delegates. To this effect, please include a slide at the beginning of your presentation containing a brief summary of your conflict(s) of interest.

Session Recording

Presentations in session rooms will be recorded. If the presenter has given consent, the recordings will be published on the conference website (PAG) and on YouTube. Further information on how consent can be given or declined will be sent out closer to the conference.

Session Room Equipment

Session rooms will contain the following basic equipment:
  • Lectern with microphone and notebook incl. mouse;
  • Chairperson table with microphone(s);
  • Screen displaying the PowerPoint presentation (for some of the bigger sessions rooms the speaker might be displayed too);
  • Countdown timer showing remaining presentation time (available in some session rooms);
  • Microphones on stands for audience questions.

Guidelines for Non-Abstract Driven Session Speakers (Plenary Sessions, Bridging Sessions, Symposia Sessions and Special Sessions)

All non-abstract driven sessions address a variety of current viewpoints and issues. Session format, duration and focus will vary, depending on the session type.

Click here to download general guidelines for speakers.

Guidelines for Session Chairs

Click here to download general guidelines for session chairs.

Guidelines for Oral Abstract Session Presenters

The oral abstract sessions are 90-minute sessions that consist of five oral presentations of ten minutes each. A five-minute question and answer session will immediately follow each presentation. An interactive moderated discussion, facilitated by the co-chairs, will be held at the end of the session.

Click here for general guidelines for oral abstract session presenters.

Guidelines for Oral Poster Discussion Presenters

Held daily from 13:00 – 14:00, oral poster discussion sessions are 60-minute sessions featuring four to six oral presentations of five minutes each. An interactive moderated discussion, facilitated by the co-chairs, will be held at the end of the session.

Oral poster discussion presenters are asked to mount their posters outside the session rooms on Monday, 21 July, between 08:00 and 09:00, and remove them on Thursday, 24 July, between 18:30 and 19:00.

Click here to download general guidelines for oral poster discussion presenters.

Guidelines for Poster Exhibitors

The Poster Exhibition is open from Monday, 21 – Thursday, 24 July, 10:00 – 18:30 and is located on the Ground Level within the Exhibition.

Posters are displayed for viewing from Monday to Thursday. Each poster is displayed for one day. Late breaker posters are displayed for the duration of the conference (Monday to Thursday) in the Poster Exhibition area.

Authors will stand by their posters between 12:30 and 14:30 on their day of presentation to answer questions and provide further information on their study results.

Posters must be mounted between 08:00 and 09:00 on the day of presentation, and removed between 18:30 and 19:00 on the same day.

Presenters of Late Breakers Posters are asked to mount their poster on Monday, 21 July, between 08:00 and 09:00, and remove them on Thursday, 24 July, between 18:30 and 19:00.

Poster exhibitors are not required to check in at the Speaker Centre.

Click here to download general guidelines for poster exhibition presenters.


Guidelines for download

Templates for download

The following templates are available for download:

PowerPoint Template

Paper Poster Template

E-poster Template

Webinar Materials

Preparing your presentation
(developing a great PowerPoint and creating a poster presentation)
12 June 2014

Visit the AIDS 2014 webinar page to watch the video and to download the PowerPoint presentation.