International AIDS Society

Frequently Asked Questions

Abstract Submission

Abstract Mentor Programme (AMP)

Registration & Accommodation



Affiliated Independent Events

Global Village


Abstract Submission

What is an abstract?
In the context of the 20th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2014), an abstract is a stand-alone statement that briefly explains, in a non-repetitive style, the essential information of a study, research project, policy or programme.
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May I submit an abstract to the conference?
AIDS 2014 welcomes the submission of abstracts for original contribution to the field in the following scientific tracks:
  • Track A: Basic and Translational Research
  • Track B: Clinical Research
  • Track C: Epidemiology and Prevention Research
  • Track D: Social and Political Research, Law, Policy and Human Rights
  • Track E: Implementation Research, Economics, Systems and Synergies with other Health and Development Sectors
Abstract submissions are open between 1 December 2013 and 6 February 2014 – 23:59 Central European Time. During this time period, abstracts will be accepted through the online submission form available on the conference website.
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When is the submission deadline for abstracts?
The final deadline to submit the abstract is 6 February 2014 – 23:59 Central European Time.
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What is a late breaker abstract?
Late breaker submissions must be data of unquestioned immediate significance. Data analyzed after the regular submission (6 February 2014) should not be sent in as late breakers if the data do not meet an extremely high threshold of scientific merit. The percentage of abstracts selected for late breakers will depend on the number of submissions, but selection will certainly be more rigorous than for regular abstracts. A small number of late breaker abstracts will be accepted to be presented orally or as posters at the conference.

During their submission, authors will have to declare the reason why their abstract is late breaker. The same submission rules apply for the late breaker abstracts as for the regular abstracts, but each presenting author may only present one late breaker abstract at the conference. The late breaker abstract submission will be open from 24 April to 15 May 2014.
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Where can I read more about the scientific tracks?
Detailed descriptions about the scope and objectives of each scientific track, as defined by the Scientific Programme Committee, can be found on the website.
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What is the required structure for an abstract?
An abstract consists of a title, author list and the abstract text. It can also include tables or graphs/images. Literature references should not be included.

AIDS 2014 offers two options for abstract submission:

Option 1
Suited for research conducted in all disciplines. Abstracts submitted under the first option should contain concise statements of:
  • Background: indicate the purpose and objective of the research, the hypothesis that was tested or a description of the problem being analyzed or evaluated.
  • Methods: describe the study period / setting / location, study design, study population, data collection and methods of analysis used.
  • Results: present as clearly and in as much detail as possible the findings / outcome of the study. Please summarize any specific results.
  • Conclusions: explain the significance of your findings / outcomes of the study for HIV prevention, treatment, care and / or support, and future implications of the results.
Option 2
Suited for lessons learned through programme, project or policy implementation or management. Abstracts submitted under the second option should contain concise statements of:
  • Background: summarize the purpose, scope and objectives, of the programme, project or policy.
  • Description: describe the programme, project or policy period / setting / location, the structure, key population (if applicable), activities and interventions undertaken in support of the programme, project or policy.
  • Lessons learned: present as clearly and in as much detail as possible the findings / outcomes of the programme, project or policy; include an analysis or evaluation of lessons learned and best practices. Please summarize any specific results that support your lessons learned and best practices.
  • Conclusions/Next steps: explain the significance of your findings / outcomes of the programme, project or policy for HIV prevention, treatment, care and / or support, and future implications of the results.

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How do I submit an abstract?
Before submitting an abstract, you are asked to create a Conference Profile. One or several abstracts can be submitted through the Conference Profile.

To submit abstracts, please login into your Conference Profile and click on the "Abstract Submission" field in the Overview-tab. You will then see a link to enter the abstract submission system.

In the abstract submission system, please follow the steps 1 - 4 to create and submit your abstract:
  1. Select the track, category and country of research; enter your abstract title and text
  2. Enter the presenting author and co-authors (individually)
  3. Preview your abstract and check format and correctness
  4. Submit your abstract
To navigate in the abstract submission system, please use the next step buttons or the upper menu bar. For detailed instructions about the abstract submission system, please click on "HELP" in the upper menu bar.

After an abstract has been created, modifications can be made at any time until the submission deadline. After submission, the abstract submitter will receive a confirmation email. This email will contain the abstract reference number. Please refer to this reference number in all communications.

A tutorial on how to submit and abstract is available at www.aids2014/WebContent/File/AIDS2014_Abstract_Submission_Tutorial.pptx.
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Once submitted, can I still modify my abstract?
After an abstract has been created via the online Conference Profile, modifications can be made (even after submission) until the deadline. After making your modifications, you need to re-submit your abstract. No modifications will be accepted after the submission deadline.
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My project is still ongoing and there are no results yet, should I still submit an abstract?
Abstracts are intended to present scientific studies, research, programmes, policies, etc. highlighting both the methods or description and results or recommendations. If you are describing a study that is still in the planning stage, it would not be suitable for an abstract submission, unless the method that you will use is, for instance, of particular scientific interest. However, if your study is currently ongoing and you only have preliminary data, but it seems relevant or significant, please submit the abstract.
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How should I define the title of my abstract?
A good abstract title is short, specific, representative and informative. It helps the reviewers categorize your abstract, and if accepted, it may help conference delegates find your session. The title should summarize your abstract without going into excessive details. Describe the topic clearly, including, for example, the population, country and issue of the research.
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Can I include a table, graph or image in my abstract?
It is possible, but not mandatory, to include tables or graphs/images in the abstract.

The maximum number of tables allowed per abstract is three. Note that each one of them counts as 10 words per row. The maximum size of each table is 10 rows x 10 columns.

The maximum number of graphs/images allowed per abstract is three. Note that each graph/image is equivalent to 50 words. The maximum file size of each graph is 500 KB. The maximum pixel size of the graph is 600(w) x 800(h) pixel. You may upload graphs in JPG, GIF or PNG format.

Please create your table or upload your graph/image following the instructions in the abstract submission system. Place the table or graph/image into your abstract text and save the changes. Review the abstract preview-page to ensure that your table or graph/image displays properly.
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How many co-authors can I include on the authors list?
There is no limit to the number of co-authors per abstract, although we strongly recommend the use of a Study Group Name for abstracts with a high number of co-authors. A person can be listed as a co-author if he/she meets ALL the following criteria:
  1. made substantial contributions to concept and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data,
  2. drafted the abstract or revised it for intellectual content,
  3. approved the final version to be submitted.
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Do I need to disclose information of any conflict of interest in my abstract?
If the abstract is accepted, the presenting authors are asked to disclose all financial and personal relationships between themselves and others that might be perceived by others as biasing their work. The conference organizer asks that all presenting authors disclose any conflict of interest at the time of presentation for the benefit of conference delegates. The purpose of this is to guarantee that all potential conflicts of interest are recognized and mechanisms to resolve them prior to the conference are implemented.

Material presented in abstracts should not violate any copyright laws. If figures/graphics/images have been taken from sources not copyrighted by the author, it is the author's sole responsibility to secure the rights from the copyright holder in writing to reproduce those figures/graphics/images for both worldwide print and web publication. All reproduction costs charged by the copyright holder must be borne by the author.
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Who has the copyright for my abstract after submission?
The submission of your abstract constitutes your consent to publication. If the abstract is accepted, the IAS can publish or reprint the abstract text and the authors' information in the Abstract Book, Abstract USB stick, the Journal of the IAS (JIAS), IAS websites and other IAS publications.

The copyright of the abstract stays with the author, but with the understanding that permission is granted to the IAS for non-commercial use or reproduction of abstracts presented at AIDS 2014 provided that textual and graphical content are not altered and that the source is acknowledged.
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Who selects the abstracts and decides how they will be presented?
All submitted abstracts will go through a blind peer-review process carried out by an international review committee. Each abstract will be reviewed by at least three reviewers. The Scientific Programme Committee makes the final selection of abstracts to be included in the conference programme.

The highest-scoring abstracts will be selected for presentation in oral abstract sessions or in a slightly shorter oral poster discussion session. The majority of the posters will be displayed in the Poster Exhibition.
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How can I increase the chances for my abstract to be accepted?
The methodology or study design presented in your abstract should be appropriate to address the purpose and objectives. Results or lessons learned should be clearly presented and support the conclusions. In addition, the findings should contribute to the advancement of knowledge and development in the field.

If English is not your native language we strongly recommend that you have your abstract reviewed by a native English speaker working in your field before submission.

You may check the common reasons for abstract rejection on the abstract submission guidelines. You may find the webinars regarding abstract submission organized by AIDS 2014 helpful. You may also review examples of abstracts from previous conferences.
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I need a certificate that my abstract was accepted for the conference. Who do I contact?
To obtain certificates for abstracts accepted in the conference, please contact .
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How do I receive an Abstract Book?
All abstracts presented at the conference (in oral abstract sessions, oral poster discussion sessions and in the Poster Exhibition) are included in full text in the conference Abstract Book. The book is available via pre-order and the cost is 35 USD per book. Delegates who would like to have a printed copy of the Abstract Book are asked to indicate this on the online registration form when registering to the conference. A limited number of copies of the Abstract Book will also be available for purchase in the conference venue.
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How do I receive an Abstract USB memory stick?
All abstracts presented at the conference (in oral abstract sessions, oral poster discussion sessions and in the Poster Exhibition) are included in full text on the Abstract USB stick. The USB stick is available via pre-order, and the cost is 5 USD per USB stick. Delegates who would like to have a USB stick are asked to indicate this on the online registration form when registering for the conference. A limited number of USB sticks will also be available for purchase in the conference venue.
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What is an e-poster?
Authors of abstracts selected for oral poster discussion sessions and Poster Exhibition are invited to upload an electronic poster (e-poster). The E-posters will be published on the Conference USB memory stick and on the conference website. Instructions for preparing and uploading the e-posters will be sent to selected abstract authors via email.

Abstract Mentor Programme (AMP)

What is abstract mentoring?
If you don't have a lot of experience in writing scientific abstracts, a mentor can help you. We have a pool of around 60 - 100 mentors who can provide advice and feedback on how to write successful abstracts for each of the conference tracks. We must stress that the Abstract Mentoring Programme is designed to provide feedback on the structure and content, and is not a language editing service.
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When is the programme available? 
The AMP opens on the 18 November 2013 (two weeks before the abstract submissions process opens on the 1 December) and closes on the 22 January 2014, 10 working days before the abstract submission deadline.
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Why does the International AIDS Society provide this service 
Mentoring support can improve the chance of early-career HIV researchers to be accepted to the Conference by providing feedback on their draft abstracts.  It is a way to have an experienced researcher review your work, and share their expertise with you. We must stress that the Abstract Mentoring Programme is designed to provide feedback on the structure and content, and is not a language editing service.
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Who can use this mentoring service?
All conference delegates can use the mentoring service. We especially encourage researchers from developing countries to take advantage of this unique opportunity.
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What are the results of using the AMP?
Mentoring support can improve the chance of early-career HIV researchers to be accepted to the Conference by providing feedback on their draft abstracts. It is a way to have an experienced researcher review your work, and share their expertise with you. For AIDS 2012 nearly a quarter of mentored abstracts submitted were accepted. Nearly 90% of abstract submitters told us they found the programme useful.
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Is the mentoring free?
Absolutely! The mentoring is free. But to avoid overload, each delegate is offered no more than 2 rounds of reviewing. This means that you can submit the same draft abstract twice, or submit two different draft abstracts.
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How do I submit a draft abstract for mentoring?
To register for the Abstract Mentor Programme, you need to create a conference profile. Through that, click on the box that says "Abstract Mentor Programme" and follow the easy steps. Sumbissions close on the 22 January 2014, 10 working days before the conference abstract submission deadline. Due to the delay in receiving feedback, we strongly suggest that you submit you abstracts as far before the deadline as possible.
Note: We cannot accept abstracts submitted by e-mail, fax, telephone and regular mail.
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Then what happens?
We match you to a mentor who can best provide feedback in your abstract research area.
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What does the mentor do?
Mentors will review your abstract based on a set of guidelines and provide you feedback within ten working days and latest by 22 January 2014 (excluding the holiday period 24 December 2012 to 2 January 2014). You may also ask a specific question when you submit your draft abstract.
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How do I get the mentor's feedback?
Mentors submit their feedback to the IAS, and we then forward this to you via the Abstract Mentor Programme system, so please be sure you provide a working e-mail address when you register.
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Is the service available only in English?
At this time, it is only available in English.

Note: all abstracts for the conference must be in English.
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Do I have to be registered for the Conference to participate as a mentor or to submit a question?
No, you don't have to register for the conference to use this service. But, you need to create an online conference profile.
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I don't know what to ask a mentor - any suggestions?
You can ask questions on the scientific content, as well as the language of your abstract. From previous conferences, some questions that have been asked are:
  • Is my introduction extensive enough?
  • Are my conclusions clear and well supported by my collected data?
  • Have I described the method I have used well enough?
  • What part of the abstract could I edit to shorten my abstract?
  • Would a graph or table be useful?
  • What other conclusions/lessons learned should I list?
You can also ask mentors questions on practical issues, such as clarity of writing and formal requirements of the abstract, as well as any methodological or scientific questions that may arise from the abstract content. The answers will guide you to edit and improvements to the abstract before you officially submit it to the conference.

Note: Mentors may not write, translate or make the changes to the draft abstract on your behalf.
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What questions can I NOT ask mentors?
Please do NOT ask the mentor whether he/she thinks your abstract will be accepted for the conference.
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How long do mentors take to respond?
Mentors will review your abstract based on a set of guidelines and provide you feedback within ten working days and latest by 2 February 2014 (excluding the holiday period 24 December 2012 to 2 January 2014).
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Can I be an abstract mentor?
Sure! We welcome HIV and public health professionals with experience in HIV research, who have had two abstracts accepted and have co-authored at least one manuscript accepted by a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
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Is abstract mentoring a part of the abstract review and selection process?
No, mentoring is completely independent of the abstract review and selection process.
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I don't have an abstract, but have a question about abstracts! What do I do?
Have a look at the following part of the conference website: www.aids2014.org/Default.aspx?pageId=645 and the questions in this section. If you don't find your answer there, send an e-mail to .
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Before I send my abstract to a mentor, I need to write it, so what kind of help do you provide?
We provide two options:

  1. The online abstract writing module presented by the IAS in collaboration with Health [e] Foundation.
  2. The AIDS 2014 Webinar Series is a capacity building initiative of the 20th International AIDS Conference organizers. The following two webinars cover abstract writing skills. All recordings and materials of these webinars are available for download here:

    Submitting a successful abstract
    (scientific research) 
      12 November 2013
    4pm - GMT
    Submitting a successful abstract
    (programme-based research)
      14 November 2013 
    7am – GMT

    An access link will be provided on the website in late October. All recordings and materials of these webinars will be available for download from the website following the event.
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Registration & Accommodation

I would like to register to attend the conference, how do I register?
Visit www.aids2014.org/registration.aspx in order to register online. We urge all delegates to register early. The registration fee for regular delegates, students/post-docs and youth delegates includes entry to all conference sessions, the exhibition and poster area, and the opening and closing session. Registration will open 1 December 2013.

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How much does a conference registration cost?
Conference registration fees vary based on your classification and also based on the time when registered, but range between USD 165 – USD 1150. To determine what your registration fee is visit www.aids2014.org/registration.aspx.

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Can I pay the registration fee in EUR, rather than USD?
The registration fee must accompany all conference registrations. Payments should be made in advance and in USD only, using a credit card or by bank transfer.

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May I submit supporting documentation for my student/post-doc/youth registration in languages other than English?
Yes. While the registration form itself must be completed in English, your proof of fulltime enrolment at a recognized university or college or proof of age may be in languages other than English.

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How do I register a group?
Group registration is applicable to the registration of five persons or more. The registration fees are the same as for individual delegates.

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How do I get an invitation for my visa application?
In order to obtain a Letter of Invitation, you first need to register for the conference, pay in full and have any required supporting documents submitted and approved (if applicable) before a Letter of Invitation will be sent to your preferred email address.

The Letter of Invitation does not financially or otherwise obligate the conference organizers in any way. All expenses incurred in relation to the conference and immigration requirements are your sole responsibility.

For more information, please see the visa information page and the Letter of Invitation page.

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How do I register as media to report on the conference?
Visit www.aids2014.org/registration.aspx in order to register online. As space will be limited, accreditation will only be granted to journalists who submit completed applications, with all supporting documentation, including verification of media credentials. The online registration system will prompt you to upload the supporting documentation to support your request for accreditation.

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Why must I submit supporting documentation with my media registration?
The supporting documents you submit with your application for media accreditation are used to prove that you are a journalist and therefore eligible to attend the conference free of charge. Unfortunately, this process is necessary, as fraudulent applications have been received in the past.

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May I submit supporting documentation for my media registration in languages other than English?
The letter from your editor has to be written in English, however your bylined articles or three other examples of your professional work may be in languages other than English.

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I would like to book a hotel room for my time in Melbourne, Australia for the conference. What hotels have the best rates?
A large number of hotel rooms in various price categories have been secured at negotiated rates for conference delegates. Online booking for accommodations will be available on the conference website as of 1 December 2013.

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What are the criteria for the scholarship programme and how are scholarships awarded?
The scholarship programme is open to everyone around the world. Following the Conference Coordinating Committee (CCC) scholarship selection criteria, priority will be given to those whose participation will help enhance their work in their own communities, to those who are able to assist in the transfer of skills and knowledge acquired at the conference and to those whose abstracts, workshops and/or programme activity(-ies) have been selected.

Financial assistance will be offered to delegates from resource-limited settings and communities, key populations disproportionally burdened by HIV, people living with HIV, young people, researchers and students to help them attend.

International scholarship selection will be based on a non-biased scoring system established in advance. A Scholarship Review Committee will contribute to the reviewing and scoring of the applications. The highest scoring applications will be awarded a scholarship.

Scholarships for abstract presenters, programme activity organizers and workshop facilitators will be judged based on the quality of the abstract, programme activity and/or workshop.

Media scholarship selection will be based on a non-biased scoring system established in advance. The Conference Secretariat Communications Department will contribute to the reviewing and scoring of the applications. The highest scoring applications will be awarded a scholarship.

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How many scholarships will be offered?
For AIDS 2012 in Washington, D.C. more than 10,000 applications were received and just over 850 scholarships were offered. For AIDS 2014 the same share of the total conference budget has been allocated scholarships. A very limited number of scholarships will also be available for media representatives from around the world.

Although every attempt will be made to assist as many people as possible to attend, we regret that the number of scholarships that will be allocated is limited. Applicants are therefore strongly encouraged to seek other funding as well.

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How do I apply for a scholarship?
Scholarship applications were accepted online from 5 December 2013 to 13 February 2014, 24:00 CET. Scholarship applications are now closed.

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What support does the scholarship provide?
Applicants were able to request all or some of the following aspects of the scholarship to attend AIDS 2014:

  • Conference registration fee (includes access to all sessions and exhibitions)
  • Travel (pre-paid airfare at the lowest fare available, from the nearest international airport)
  • Accommodation (shared in dormitory rooms for the days of the conference)
  • Modest daily living allowance for the conference duration (20-25 July 2014, the equivalent of USD 55 per day)
Please note that the level of support requested may not be the level of support granted. Full scholarships will only be awarded in a limited number of cases. Partial scholarships will also be awarded.

In all cases individuals will be required to cover the cost of their hotel incidental expenses, meals, visa applications and any optional extra expenses.

As media registration is free, media representatives did not need to request registration as part of their application, but will be registered by the Scholarship Department should they be awarded a media scholarship.
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How do I know if I am awarded a scholarship?
Scholarship notifications will be sent by email to all applicants in mid-April. All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their request.

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What is a webinar?
A webinar is an online seminar that is hosted by an organization/company and broadcast to a group of individuals through their computers via the Internet.

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How does a webinar work?
A webinar allows a presenter from the hosting organization/company to share PowerPoint presentations, videos, web pages or other multimedia content with audiences that can be located anywhere.

Webinars typically have audio and visual components. The visual component of a webinar is shared through a web conferencing tool or Internet browser. The audio portion of a webinar is usually broadcast through the audience's computers (through speakers and media players).

A webinar also allows the hosting organization/company to interact with an audience. The audience can ask the presenter or moderator (who is leading the webinar) questions in real-time through an instant messaging tool.

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How can I attend one or several AIDS 2014 webinars?
You need to register to every single webinar you would like to attend. To register first name, last name and an email address will be required. For a list of webinars, please click here.

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Do I need a specific tool to attend the AIDS 2014 webinars?
WebEx will automatically set up the Meeting Center application for Windows the first time you join the webinar. To save time, you can set up prior to the webinar by clicking this link.

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I already registered. How can I join the webinar?
You can join the webinar through the link in the registration email you have received or through the outlook calendar item. Click the meeting link, enter your name, email address and meeting password (if requested) and click join.

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I missed the webinar. How can I access the information shared?
Webinars will be recorded and PowerPoint presentations will be made available for consultation. Please click here to view the full list of webinars.

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Affiliated Independent Events

What is an Affiliated Independent Event?
Affiliated Independent Events are independently organized events held outside of the conference venue Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) during times that do not conflict with the conference programme. Groups or organizations are encouraged to apply to affiliate their independently organized events with the conference to benefit from the momentum, exposure, and international audience. Affiliated Independent Events often include symposia, workshops, receptions as well as social and cultural events. They may be population or issue specific, and can be open to the public, and/or conference delegates, or can be closed, invitation only events.

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Why should I affiliate my event with AIDS 2014?
The International AIDS Conference is expected to bring more than 14,000 delegates to Melbourne. As a service to Affiliated Independent Events organizers, all approved events will be published on the AIDS 2014 website and social media, and appear in the Programme-at-a-Glance so that our delegates can easily access the information. Approved events are also provided with the AIDS 2014 conference logo, which can be used in printed and promotional materials.

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Can my event be affiliated with AIDS 2014?
To be approved as an Affiliated Independent Event, your event must fulfill all of the below criteria:

  • The event addresses HIV/AIDS, co-infections or issues faced by individuals or organizations affected by or responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic
  • The event takes place in or around Melbourne
  • The event takes place outside of the conference venue at times that do not interfere with the official conference programme hours.
  • The event requires no financial or organizational assistance

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When can I organize my Affiliated Independent Event?
Affiliated Independent Events must take place at times which do not conflict with the official conference programme. The available time slots can be found here.

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Where can I organize my Affiliated Independent Event?
To ensure that conference delegates have the opportunity to attend the Affiliated Independent Events, they should be held in or around Melbourne, unless the organizer can ensure that the event will be attended by registered delegates despite being held in a distant location.

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What is the cost for organizing an Affiliated Independent Event?
There are no processing or sponsorship fees associated with Affiliated Independent Events. Conference Organizers reserve the right to approve, reject or request further clarification of applications for the Affiliated Independent Event status.

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How can I apply for Affiliated Independent Event status?
External event organizers can apply for Affiliated Event status by creating a conference profile and filling in the Affiliated Independent Events application form. For a more detailed explanation of the application process, please refer to the Affiliated Independent Events Webinar materials available here. Please read the Rules and Guidelines for Affiliated Independent Events before submitting your application. The submission will be reviewed by the Conference Organizers, who reserve the right to approve, reject or request more information concerning all applications.

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My event does not meet the criteria, what other options do I have?

  • Change your event. If your event time/place or other features that hinders you from applying can be changed, you are welcome to change or resubmit your application.
  • Satellite sessions take place in the conference centre and are fully organized and coordinated by the organization hosting the satellite. Conference organizers make satellite slots available for a fee, based on the room capacity and the time slot, and will allocate slots based on the overall conference programme. The programme committee will review the contents and speakers of the satellite sessions to ensure that they meet the scientific and ethical principles of the conference. For Satellite Symposia bookings, please visit http://iset.aids2014.org/
  • Conference Hubs can be organized as an event to bring the International AIDS Conference to you, wherever you are. For more information on how to organize a Conference Hub, please visit www.aids2014.org/hubs.aspx
  • Exhibition space. Commercial and non-commercial organizations can showcase their products and a service to the world's leading HIV/AIDS professionals. At AIDS 2014, there are more than 5,000 square meters of prime exhibition space and more than 14,000 delegates expected. To read more about exhibition space please visit www.aids2014.org/exhibition.aspx
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When is the submission deadline for Affiliated Independent Events?
Affiliated Independent Events applications close on 30 June 2014.

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Where can I find the AIDS 2014 Affiliated Independent Events?
The list of Affiliated Independent Events is displayed on the conference website here.

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Global Village

What is the Global Village?
The Global Village is a large area at the conference consisting of art exhibitions, installations, film screenings, performances, workshops, networking areas, marketplace booths and so on. It is open to both conference delegates and non-delegates (without a fee). This includes community organizations from around the world, local or national groups and the general public. The Global Village enables greater civil society involvement and exchange.

Through this interactive and participatory space, the Global Village will highlight HIV-related issues, concerns and priorities facing various HIV-affected communities. The programme promotes dialogue, encourages networking, builds solidarity, and promotes inclusion in the global community.

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What is the Youth Programme?
Youth activities will be a core part of the AIDS 2014 conference programme as we recognise that young people are shaping the next generation's response to HIV and AIDS. In 2014 the Youth Programme will include cultural and educational performances, presentations, workshops and panel discussions, networking activities and exhibitions. The majority of youth-related activities will be situated in the Youth Pavilion within the Global Village space at AIDS 2014. Located within the Youth Pavilion, a Youth Positive Lounge will also provide a safe space for HIV positive young people attending.

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What is the Melbourne Youth Force?
The Melbourne Youth Force (MYF) is a global network of young people working together to help shape the Youth Programme at AIDS 2014. The Youth Force is comprised of a number of sub-committees working on various aspects of the overall involvement of young people in the conference including promotion to youth networks, events and media and communications.

For more information about how you can get involved with the Melbourne Youth Force read the MYF How to Get Involved Guidelines or visit the Melbourne Youth Force webpage.

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How do I submit an application to be part of the Global Village and Youth Programme?
Applications for the Global Village and Youth Programme are now closed.

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Will interpreting and translation services be available at the Global Village?
Onsite interpreting and translation services will not be offered, however those primary organizers who wish to engage interpreters or translators for their programme activity, can do so at the expense of the organization which they are representing at AIDS 2014.

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If my application to be part of the Global Village and Youth Programme is successful, who will pay for my travel and accommodation expenses?
Travel and accommodation expenses must be covered by participants. We encourage applicants to secure resources to cover the cost of travel and accommodation through external sources. If no other funding is available, there is the option of applying for an international scholarship from the IAS to attend the conference. Visit the AIDS 2014 Scholarships page for more information about AIDS 2014 Scholarships. Applications via the International Scholarships Programme close on the 13 February 2014. For enquiries about scholarships email .

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If our activity is accepted, will we receive any funds for transporting materials and setting up our activity?
There are no funds available to cover transporting materials or set up costs. Shipment of goods as well as the set-up of activities is at the activity organizer's expense. Advice on shipping will be provided, once successful applicants accept their invitation to run their activity in the Global Village and Youth Programme at AIDS 2014.

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Can I automatically access the conference if I am accepted for a Global Village activity?
A successful Global Village and Youth Programme application does not guarantee access to the whole conference programme. Successful applicants will need to register online to access the conference. Please check the conference website for more information on the registration process. The Global Village space is open and free of cost to conference delegates and the general public.

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How much space do I have for my activity at the Global Village?
This depends on the type of activity. You will find details regarding sizes of activity areas in the application form for Global Village activities and in the Global Village and Youth Programme Submission Guidelines.

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Can we ask for donations / charge for an activity?
The Global Village is a space to present activities from communities worldwide. With the exception of Marketplace Booths, it is not a fundraising-event. It is, however, a great opportunity to get in touch with donors and leaders, to network and to exchange experiences.

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What are the criteria for an activity being selected?
Selection criteria are described in the Global Village and Youth Programme Submission Guidelines. with donors and leaders, to network and to exchange experiences.

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Who selects the activities for the Global Village and Youth Programme?
All proposals submitted for the Global Village and Youth Programme will be reviewed by a team of nominated reviewers who will score applications based on a blind scoring system. The programme activity reviewers are your peers; people living with HIV, scientists, activists, policymakers, health care workers, community activists, educators and other people who work in areas relating to HIV. Following the review period, the Global Village and Youth Programme Working Group will meet with staff from the IAS to finalise the programme for all Global Village and Youth Programme related activities.

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When will we be notified if our Global Village and Youth application is successful?
Notifications will be circulated to successful and non-successful applicants around mid-April 2014.

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Where will the Global Village be located?
The Global Village will be located at the main conference venue; the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre and accessed from the front entrance area. The Global Village space will be open to conference delegates and the general public.

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When will the Global Village space be open?
The Global Village doors will open at 2pm Sunday, July 20. The official Global Village and Youth Programme Opening Ceremony will take place on Monday, July 21.

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Who can volunteer for the AIDS 2014 Conference?
Volunteers must be at least 18 years old (as of 16 July 2014), fluent in English and be able to commit to a minimum of three half-day shifts from 16 July to 25 July 2014.

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How do I apply to volunteer?
An Online Volunteer Application Form will be available from 1st April 2014. The IAS Volunteer Department will only accept applications through this online form. Applications by e-mail, fax, or letter will be refused.

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When will volunteers know if they have been accepted?
The AIDS 2014 Volunteer Department will start reviewing applications end of April. Volunteers will be notified of their acceptance by mid to late May.

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What are the criteria to be accepted as a volunteer?
Volunteers who have a maximum availability to volunteer from 16 to 25 July 2014 will be prioritized.

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When will volunteers receive their final schedule?
After confirming suggested timetable through the Online Volunteer Portal, volunteers will then receive their final schedule within 10 days. Please note that the scheduling process will start end of May 2014.

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Can volunteers outside of Australia apply?
Yes. However, persons seeking to volunteer at AIDS 2014 will be required to meet Australian customs and immigration requirements for visitors. Unfortunately, the conference secretariat is unable to offer any financial assistance and volunteers are responsible for their own accommodation and travel costs. It is the sole responsibility of the volunteer to take care of his/her visa requirements.

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What are the benefits for volunteers?
Volunteers will have access to the weekly conference sessions when not on duty (usually volunteers get a morning or an afternoon shift). They will receive a volunteer T-shirt and will get lunch for free if scheduled for the day. Furthermore, volunteers will have the possibility to gain international experience at the world's largest conference on HIV/AIDS.

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Do volunteers receive a Certificate for their participation at the AIDS 2014 Conference?
A Certificate of Appreciation will be downloadable after the conference through the Online Volunteer Portal.

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Is there a volunteer application closing date?
Applications close once the number of volunteers needed is reached. We therefore encourage you to apply as soon as the Volunteer Application Form is online (1st April 2014). Once the number is reached, it will be announced on our website.

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If a person is selected to volunteer, but has already paid the registration fee, will the secretariat refund the volunteer?
If you have registered as a regular AIDS 2014 Delegate before 1st of April 2014 and your application as volunteer has been accepted, we kindly ask you to contact us at .

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How many hours per day is a volunteer expected to work?
It depends on the activity the volunteer is selected for. Activities can vary between 6 and 8 hours a day. In order to allow the volunteer to attend sessions during the day, we try to schedule volunteer shifts either in the morning (06:30-14:00) or in the afternoon (13:00-20:30).

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Where can I find updates on the volunteer programme?
You can join us on Facebook here or look for "AIDS 2014 Volunteers".

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